Fund a classroom grant for one of our teachers in the Kent School District! The Kent Schools Foundation Classroom Enrichment Grant program funds projects such as art, music, STEM, reading, field trips, and unique experiences that enrich student learning in the classroom.
Since 2019, over $55,000 in grants from this unique program have helped teachers across the Kent School District amplify and reinforce their daily curriculum with innovative projects that reach students at their level.
This program empowers teachers to be innovative and creative their approach to meeting the students’ individual needs in their classroom in a fun and exciting ways. In this short video Carrie Calonzo, Teacher-Librarian at Glenridge Elementary, shares the positive impact that Classroom Enrichment Grants from Kent Schools Foundation and community partnerships has had on her Kent School District students. And Dr. Dana Stiner, Principal at Pine Tree Elementary School, shares the positive impact of Classroom Enrichment Grants from Kent Schools Foundation and the importance of community partnerships for her students and Kent School District. Elementary schools, however, are not the only recipients of our classroom grants; we have funded secondary school grant requests over the past few years as well, as all KSD educators are invited to apply during each cycle.
Classroom Grant Awards are typical $500 or less for each application. The funding for these grants each year comes directly from our donors. Our goal is to award the most grants in KSF history in our next grant cycle in the Fall of 2022. To achieve this, we are seeking 145 donors to commit to donating $20 or more per month for 12 months or $20 in 2022.
- Please note we you can check with your employer for payroll deduction. Also, be sure to designate Kent Schools Foundation Classroom Grants. Kent School District Employees should check StaffLink for the current form to enroll.
- You can set up monthly reoccurring gifts or make a one-time donation through our secure website, and designate your funds to the classroom grants program at: https://kentschoolsfoundation.org/donate/
- While designations can be made to the Classroom Grants Fund, we do not direct donations to specific classrooms, staff, or schools.
$20.00 per month | A donation of $20 per month can support a KSD student and family’s nutrition during the week outside of their free and reduced breakfast and lunch meals that the school can provide.
$35.00 per month | Provide the equivalent of one new backpack filled with school supplies for one KSD student each month. Help ensure that every student has the supplies at home or in school they need to be successful.
$500.00 one-time donation | Fund a full classroom grant for one of our teachers in Kent School District with a one-time donation of $500 or more. The KSF Classroom Enrichment Grant program is to fund projects such as art, music, STEM, reading, field trips, and unique experiences that enrich student learning in the classroom. Grants help teachers amplify and reinforce their daily curriculum with innovative projects that reach students at their level. During 2019, nearly $20,000 in grants were awarded to schools across the district.
$____ | Other amount to meet the needs of KSD students. Your support, in any amount, is crucial to our ability to continue our work. You generously fuel our ability to remain agile, which allows us to be most effective in providing what is needed for our kids.
Want to donate more? Become a Partner in Education.
The Kent Schools Foundation works directly in partnership with Kent School District to distribute funds in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Individual donations can be made directly through the website. Kent School District employees can also make donations through direct deposit, please contact Human Resources, the form is on StaffLink. Kent Schools Foundation is a registered 501 (c) 3 organization (Federal Tax ID 46-1866001). All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.