At the Kent Schools Foundation, we raise funds to support students in the many areas beyond basic education, the arts, social and emotional learning, activities, STEAM projects and programs beyond the classroom, and opportunities in the arts beyond high school. Your generous gifts help students reach their full potential.
At the heart of the foundation are donors like you. The parents, the community members, the business leaders, the educators, and the volunteers lifting up all students with funding and support to show the excellence already within the diversity of Kent as it shines through our students.
The Kent Schools Foundation operates on philanthropic contributions from organizations and people like you. Your donations help us expand and build new programs all over the Kent School District.
We are working directly with the Kent School District to support our most at-risk students during school closures as well as continuing our support for innovative programs that will help all of our students maintain their academic excellence when they return to school buildings.
Payroll Deduction
Contribute through your employer’s giving campaign. Be sure to designate Kent Schools Foundation. Kent School District Employees should check StaffLink for the current form to enroll.
Matching Gifts
Double or triple the value of your gift. Check to see if your employer has a matching gift program.
Corporate Sponsorship
Support education while promoting your business. Contact Colleen, to learn more.
Planned Giving
Learn how you can leave a legacy of education. Contact Colleen, to learn more.
Scholarship Funds
The Emiko Craig scholarship, which was created from the love of the “Arts”, Emiko enjoyed attending the plays at the Kent School District high schools. Her legacy is to support students in pursuing the arts, that could not otherwise afford to do so. This annual scholarship of $2,500 per student, is awarded to one to four KSD students annually.
The Nina “Will” Williams Multilingual College Scholarship Fund. Will was a part of the Kent School District, leading the Multilingual Education and Dual Language programs and advocating for students and families for nearly twelve (12) years. While her presence will be missed, her impact will be long-lasting. One annual scholarship will be awarded annually for $1,000 to a KSD Multilingual student to go to college to pursue any degree.
Contribute to our Emiko Craig scholarship Fund or Nina “Will” Williams Multilingual College Scholarship. To create your own annual endowment scholarship, please contact Paul Bogel, President.
Thank you for making a difference for every student, every school in the Kent School District!
A donation of any size is appreciated! Please click donate and it will direct you to make your donation with a Debit or Credit card.